Posted: Feb 1 '19
Fall protection equipment inspection is a legal requirement and not inspecting your fall protection systems may amount to breach of the law.
Moreover, failure to inspect fall protection systems puts your workers at risk of injuries and even death.
The following are answers to the top FAQs to help you schedule and conduct professional fall protection equipment inspections in accordance with the Canadian Center of Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) guidelines.
Fall protection equipment is used to make working at height safer. The term refers to any equipment specially designed to prevent or minimize the risk of falling. There are several categories of fall protection equipment including: fall arrest systems, positioning systems, retrieval systems, and suspension systems.
Fall protection equipment inspection refers to planned checking of fall protection equipment to evaluate their suitability for use. During the inspection, deficiencies due to wear and tear, misuse, or improper storage are checked, and deficient systems removed from use and often destroyed.
Fall protection systems must be inspected before each use by a competent person at intervals of no more than one year. Before-use inspections are performed by individual users which makes it very important to train your workers on fall equipment inspection. If the competent person finds damage during their inspection, they can recommend additional training for the workforce.
In fall protection, a “competent person” is defined as one who has the knowledge and skills necessary to identify existing and potential hazards in the worksite and its surroundings. Additionally, the person must have the authority to take prompt measures to minimize or remove these hazards.
In general, priority is given to the body harness, the Lanyard, and anchorage. Check for signs of deformation, cuts, holes, or wear and tear. It’s important to understand that any fall protection equipment inspection must be conducted in accordance with manufacturer, industry, and government guidelines. Inspections that don’t meet standards set by these bodies may not be recognized by law.
Ensure the safety of your workers while protecting your company from legal tussles. Contact us today to schedule fall protection equipment inspection training for your workforce.