Posted: Dec 1 '18

Do You Know How to Save a Life? Why You Need a First Aid Training Course

The impact of employee health on productivity is one area that is often overlooked when discussing a company’s profitability. Yet, it’s one of the few areas with the potential to boost profitability.

One study recently found that in Canada, a single injury in the workplace costs employers $7,500 on average. First aid is a proven way to avoid or minimize these costs. Enrolling your employees in our first aid training course in Devon, will allow them to acquire the skills necessary to attend to themselves and other during emergencies.

First aid is more than just keeping workplace costs down, there are a few other reasons we recommend enrolling your workers in a first aid training course in Devon:

To Make Your Workplace Safer

A first aid training course encourages employees to think about safety throughout their work day to help prevent accidents and emergencies. Trainees of our first aid training course get to learn the dangers of accidents and are therefore likely to be more safety conscious in the workplace. The result is reduced recklessness and conscious accountability. Additionally, even if an accident was to occur, there will be enough trained persons within the workforce to help the injured colleague.

To Impact Employee Attitude

Employees attitudes in the workplace are affected by many things. The confidence arising from the knowledge that they are in good hands, should an accident happen, is one of them. Taking a first aid training course and can put your workers at ease should an accident occur. Your employees will feel more confident performing dangerous tasks, as they know that, not only are they certified, their corkers are certified.

To Provide Relief and Save Lives

A first aid training course equips trainees with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide temporary treatment which can both relieve pain and save life. When workers get injured, the first thing they struggle with is pain. Pain can be caused by cuts, broken limbs, and so on. First aid skills are effective in pain relief. Moreover, the simple treatments can also prevent victims from losing too much blood as well as stabilize a critical condition until qualified medical personnel arrive at the scene of the accident.

We know that you want your employees to feel safe. One way to ensure that they are safe is to encourage them and their coworkers to be equipped with first aid training. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact us to enroll yourself and your team in our first aid training course in Devon, today to make your workplace safer.

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Canadian Society of Engineering Safety Alberta Construction Safety Association Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance